Object Detection with Mask RCNN for Holstein and Angus Cows


The Dairy Industry is a critical aspect of agriculture as it is a billion-dollar industry. This industry makes the U.S. the world’s largest producer of dairy and beef products according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Needless to say, cattle’s well-being is paramount to the survival of this industry. However, contagious diseases pose a major threat and have been known to decimate infected animals from the healthy ones.Therefore, farmers must identify must be done in a quick and efficient manner. One of the most efficient methods to solve this issue is Visual Analysis. This is because sick animals behave differently, and their behavior can be ana- lyzed visually. Therefore, to solve this problem I propose using Mask RCNN for this project. Mask RCNN is an object detection and instance seg- mentation method that is an extension of Faster RCNN.

Paper can be found here

Video Explanation

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