Turkey Behavior Identification System with a GUI Using Deep Learning and Video Analytics


In this paper, we propose a video analytics system to iden- tify the behavior of turkeys. Turkey behavior provides evidence to assess turkey welfare, which can be negatively impacted by un- comfortable ambient temperature and various diseases. In par- ticular, healthy and sick turkeys behave differently in terms of the duration and frequency of activities such as eating, drinking, preening, and aggressive interactions. Our system incorporates recent advances in object detection and tracking to automate the process of identifying and analyzing turkey behavior captured by commercial grade cameras. We combine deep-learning and tra- ditional image processing methods to address challenges in this practical agricultural problem. Our system also includes a web- based user interface to create visualization of automated anal- ysis results. Together, we provide an improved tool for turkey researchers to assess turkey welfare without the time-consuming and labor-intensive manual inspection.

Paper can be found here


This is a report solely about the GUI and its features.