NLP and Annie App for Social Determinants of Health

Published in AMIA, 2022


There are people that are in need of social resources and programs that can aid them with Finances, Health Care, Food Insecurity, etc. When one does a quick Google search we can see that there are a plethora of different programs available. Not many people know that these resources exist and the amount of information is overwhelming. Therefore, sifting through all the information to find a tailored program, or a resource that fits a certain individual is difficult. Furthermore, not everyone has access to this technology or understands how to look for resources themselves. We decided that building a Social Determinants of health (or SDOH) app would be the best way to solve this problem. And after consulting with different groups and panels such as the Homeless Veterans Engagement Panel, they seemed enthused as well.
With this wealth of information, which are the resources and programs scattered across the internet, we need to be able to extract and centralize this information (which we will be using a web crawler and NLP for). And then, once the information is centralized and analyzed, we can present the information to the user in an intuitive manner in the form of a mobile SDOH application. The Application consists of 4 main components which are Mapping, Stories, Finding, and Reviews.


This is not a paper submission, but an abstract one. It will be presented in the AMIA 2022 Clinical Informatics Conference