- B.S. in Computer Engineering, Purdue University, December 2020
- M.S. in Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, May 2023
Work experience
- Software Engineering Intern, Ford Motor Company
- Developed Endpoints in Spring Boot for tabled data manipulation
- Wrote SQL queries to manipulate tabled data
- Developed Python Script to call Endpoints
- Designed Mobile Application for Road Trips for Ford vechicles in 2 Day Hackthon Challenge
- Skills: SQL, Hadoop, Rest API, Spring Boot, Python Development, Pyspark, Postman
- BioNLP, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- SDOH iOS Annie App Summer 2021-present
- Creating iOS mobile application to help users in poverty find resources and programs to help them in times of need
- Developed with Mapbox software library, and Firebase to help uses find tailored resources close to them.
- Created web crawling programs to find resources and create a database of resources.
- Fine tuning BERT NLP model to extract important information from resources to create a tailored experience
- Purdue University, VIP Researcher
- Research team is VAA: Visual Analysis for Understanding Animal Behavior
- Designed and developed a GUI for a research team that tracks turkey for poultry production
- Abstract for my GUI was accepted to Purdue’s Undergraduate Research Conference.
- Converted GUI to web application over the summer that is now interactive and intuitive that showcases 7 graphs which can interact with video data, 5 statistical graphs, an animation that tracers the turkey’s path, and a tab that showcase ML model used to track turkeys
- Synopsis, Lima Perú, Automation Engineer
- Conducted research to identify appropriate software to use and applied my research using Katalon Studio and Appium
- Developed Automated Test scripts to Test Web and mobile Application for Synopsis’s client
- Python
- Dash
- Plotly
- Web Development
- C
- Java
- Java Development
- Spring Boot
- C++
- Tensorflow
- Google Colab
- Git
- Automation Testing
- Katalon Studio
- Appium
- XCode
- CreateML
- Swift Playground
- SQLite
- Android Studio
- Microsoft
- Honors Spanish for 7 years
Relevant Course Work
- Advanced Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning I
- Object Oriented Programming
- Neural Network
- Software Theory
- Data Structures and Algorithms
Engineering Projects
- Senior Design: EPCS 412:
- Designed and developed a Real Time ASL translator application that uses Computer Vision to translate American Sign Language (ASL) for Senior Design. This project included the following:
- Designed and developed an application that integrated Mediapipe and ASL translator model that can be used by students at the Indiana School of Deaf. Application integrates a static sign ASL translator tailored to the Indiana Sign Language.
- Fined tuned an existing ML Model and integrated it with Google’s Mediapipe software framework to interpret the ASL Alphabet.
- This application has nine different categories and also has a dynamic sign translator that can translate phrases in ASL alphabet.
- Designed and developed a Real Time ASL translator application that uses Computer Vision to translate American Sign Language (ASL) for Senior Design. This project included the following:
- Continuous Analysis of Many CAMeras (CAM2):
- Research team that revolves around using worldwide cameras and interpret data from the Cameras
- Currently working on how to use the cameras to aid in the COVID-19 crisis by tracking those who wear masks or not.
- Designed and developed web scraper that could parse different live cameras for information about the public and be used to decipher mask wearing.
- ECE 57000 (Graduate Level AI Course): Fall 2020
- Increased Accuracy of Text Recognition Model by modifying Text Rectification process.
- Rewrote Thin Plate Spline Algorithm to straighten curved text found in natural settings before running Text Recognition Model
- Increased accuracy of Text Recognition Model from 0.00% to 42.08%
- Pulse Oximeter Project (ECE 362): Spring 2018
- Designed a Pulse Oximeter using the MAX 30100 sensor and an STM 32 microcontroller
- Responsible for creating Program that detected IR signals and converted them to the actually values for heartbeat and SP02 levels.
- VFS Purdue, Avionics Leader
- Women in Engineering Program, Mentor
- Senior Project Design Lead
- Design Lead for GDAT
Professional Organizations
- CSWomen
- Vertical Flight Systems Purdue
- Research on Kalman Filter, Motor Interfacing, Dynamic Programming, Pixhawk 4
- Webmaster
- Women in Engineering Program
- Mentor & Mentees Program
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars
- Member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma
Honors & Awards
- Member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma
- RCA Zworykin Scholarship
- McDonnell Douglas Minority and Women Scholarship
- Dean’s List
- High Honors and Honors List
- Received my diploma in:
- Hindustani Classical Music
- Odissi Classical Dance
Co-Curricular Activitiese
- Computer Society, Instructor
- Teach Graduates and Undergraduates the basics of coding in Python.
- STAT Learning Community, Data Mining
- Learning how to represent, extract, visualize, and interpret data
Complete CV can be found here